Product, Fragrance, Packaging Test Research
Package/Product/Brand Name Researches With “Package, Product, and Brand Name Research” physical and characteristic properties of a product are assessed in addition to its functional features. It measures the triggering effect of the brand name, logo and packaging on consumers’ perception.

Advantages of package, product, brand name surveys;

Determines consumer ideas associated with the brand name and logo, Assesses the integrity of a brand name and the relevant manufacturing company, Reveals the extent of representation capacity offered by a brand name and logo about the relevant product, Determines to which extent it is easy to pronounce the brand name, how it is distinguished from other brands and how much attention it attracts, Opinions of consumers are asked about certain criteria such as packaging, graphic design, color, dimension, persuasive power about buying, contribution to product and brand image and distinctiveness. Please click to get detailed information about packaging-brand name-packaging test researches

Posted in Why Research on Aug 31, 2021