In CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interview), a data collection method accelerated by the technology and combining the telephone, computer and survey experiences, special and private surveys, product/service satisfaction surveys, publicity, attitude, behavior, and advertising/ promotion efficiency surveys are performed for various product/service categories. Field Survey and Services offer CATI services to companies by collecting data quickly thanks to its high capacity, using technology and human resources and providing operational flexibility.  CATI systems allow online real-time listening of all interviews from any location where it is possible to access the internet. All interviews are recorded by automatic audio recording systems in order to allow listening all interviews again as required.

Advantages of CATI Surveys;

Each stage of the survey allows instant online listening and quota follow-up. Telephone interviews made by the persons conducting the surveys can be listened live or from the records. It allows taking actions as and when required based on the evaluation of the survey results. Quality standards are implemented in full in all stages of the survey.

Our experts are ready to develop and implement solutions tailored for your CATI projects.

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