What is In-Depth Interview?

In-Depth Interviews are interviews with the aim of identifying the approaches of experienced, competent people who have knowledge on a subject and to observe their values, feelings and opinions. Group discussions trigger creativity and facilitate understanding of social dynamics, while one-on-one conversations provide depth about "personal motivations" and "perceptions". In-depth interviews are held in the office of the Solution Research company or in a place that may be suitable for participants (workplace, café, etc.). Interviews held at the head office can be recorded with the permission of the participant. Audio recordings of the interviews held in the external environment can be obtained with the permission of the participant. Customers can watch the calls live from the viewing rooms or follow them via the online link provided to them. Transcripts of recorded interviews can be deciphered within 24 hours and shared with customers. All interviews are conducted by moderators who are experts in the field.

Posted in Why Research on Aug 31, 2021