What is Face-to-Face Research(Papi)

Face-to-face meeting (PAPI):
• It is a classic type of one-on-one survey with participants with pen and paper or IP. In face-to-face surveys, surveyors are subjected to detailed and comprehensive training and pilot applications are carried out. The purpose of the pilot applications is the process of carrying out final checks of the research before going to the field. Field applications are carried out by adhering to the age, gender and socioeconomic status specified within the scope of the research accompanied by supervisors. Body language and diction of surveyors are important for face-to-face interviews. In order to find the participants, the surveyors knock on the door of the households, introduce themselves and conduct the interview with the participants who approve and meet the criteria by talking to the participants about the purpose of the research. • The solution research company has the infrastructure to carry out face-to-face projects in 81 provinces. With 33 years of experience in the profession, in order to obtain quality and accurate information from face-to-face interviews, participants are not directed in the interview processes, open-ended questions are detailed, many answers, one answer takes all kinds of measures in terms of compliance with the rules of jumping. On the basis of the surveyor, 20% of the face-to-face surveys are controlled by face-to-face supervisors on the same day in the field and 10% are controlled by telephone at head office. If there is incorrect and incomplete information in the controls, that survey is canceled as invalid. • For face-to-face interviews, customer satisfaction research, advertising tests, perception and reputation research, confidential customer research, segmentation research, price research, public opinion research, voter trends research are generally preferred to use face-to-face research methods. The participant's confidence is an effective method for face-to-face research.

Posted in Why Research on Aug 31, 2021