What is Qualitative Research?

Qualitative research can be defined as research in which qualitative data collection methods such as observation, interview and document analysis are used, and a qualitative process is followed to reveal perceptions and events in a realistic and holistic way in the natural environment. In qualitative research, reaching numerical data, majority or minority opinions is not the goal. In qualitative research, the weight of attitudes and behaviors is not measured, as in quantitative research. The causes of the underlying factors of attitudes and behaviors are examined in detail. It allows to see the researched subject from the point of view of the individuals concerned and to reveal the processes and factors that occur with this point of view. Observation and interview, which are among the most frequently used qualitative research methods, are aimed at catching and understanding this variability and mobility of social phenomena, even for a moment, and breaking points. Qualitative research is usually carried out before quantitative research. In qualitative research, group discussions are an effective research method that is frequently used in research. Group discussions are a qualitative research method in which a certain number of participants, accompanied by a moderator, come together and express their opinions and thoughts on a predetermined topic. Participants are determined depending on the research topic and scope. Group discussions usually consist of 7-8 participants. Depending on the purpose, there are also mini-groups of 4-5 participants. Group discussions last an average of 1.5 to 2 hours. Solution research company provides services with focus group studio, technical equipment and infrastructure professionals to carry out high-quality researches for qualitative research.

Posted in Why Research on Sep 01, 2021